Should I add bed vacancy information to my profile?
  • 16 Aug 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Should I add bed vacancy information to my profile?

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Article Summary

Bed vacancy information tells potential customers how many beds are available in your care home. This feature is available if you have a paid services with You can add this information to your profile and update it when beds are filled or become available.

How is adding bed vacancy information beneficial?

Adding bed vacancies to your profile can generate enquiries.

Many people need a place in a care home as soon as possible, maybe due to their care needs, safety or for respite care.  A small number of bed vacancies suggests opportunity and urgency, especially if the rest of your profile is rich in detail, with a good description and lots of photos.

A higher number of vacancies can make people who are viewing several care homes more likely to include your home in their viewings, as they feel calmer in that they have more time to make a decision and more bedrooms to choose from.

Despite the pandemic, people still need care and there are still plenty of people actively looking for a care home bed. Having vacancy information can show people that you are still working as normal.

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