- 30 Jan 2025
- 5 Minutes to read
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Reviews - Review Insights
- Updated on 30 Jan 2025
- 5 Minutes to read
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The Review Insights section is your platform for viewing and evaluating your setting’s reviews over time to help you identify where to concentrate your efforts to maximise the number of enquiries generated.
You can find the Review Insights section under 'Reviews' in your Control Panel. Click on 'Review Insights' and a drop down menu will appear. Here, you can access Review Score Analysis, Review / Reply Analysis, Review Rating Analysis, Review Source Analysis, Review Word Cloud and Reviews Analysis CSV Export.
The graphs and charts under each section enable you to identify what service users and their families/friends appreciate most about your setting, such as the management, staff or the care and support received.
Review Score Analysis
The Review Score is based on user Reviews and the maximum Review Score is 10. There are 5 Points available for the Average Rating of all Reviews in the last 24 months and 5 Points available for the number of positive Reviews in the last 24 months:
a) 5 Points are available for the Average Rating of all Reviews in the last 24 months. For each review the care home / service is rated Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, Poor or Very Poor on a number of areas eg Staff, Management etc. The care home / service receives points for each rating as follows: Excellent = 5. Good = 4. Satisfactory = 3. Poor = 2. Very Poor = 1. These points are added up and then divided by the total number of completed ratings to generate the average rating.
b) 5 Points are available for the number of Positive Reviews in the last 24 months. A Positive Review is defined as any Review with an Overall Experience of 4 or 5 (out of a maximum rating of 5).
The 5 points available are broken down as follows:
i) 4 points are available for 10 Positive Reviews in last 24 months, 3 points for the first Positive Review, 0.125 Points for each of the next 4 Positive Reviews, and then 0.1 Points for each of the next 5 Positive Reviews. (1st = 3, 2nd = 0.125, 3rd = 0.125, 4th = 0.125, 5th = 0.125, 6th = 0.1, 7th = 0.1, 8th = 0.1, 9th = 0.1, 10th = 0.1).
ii) 1 point is available for the number of Positive Reviews reaching 20% of the registered maximum number of service users in the last 24 months. If this number is partially reached, then that proportion of 1 point is given. eg a care home / service registered for a maximum of 50 service users has to reach 10 Positive Reviews to receive 1 point, if it has 7 reviews it will receive 0.7 points.
(For Adult Day Care Centres and Extra Care Housing i) and ii) are replaced by having 5 points available for 5 Positive Reviews in last 24 months, 3 points for the first Positive Review, 0.5 Points for each of the next 4 Positive Reviews)
When a Review is submitted by someone who has previously submitted a Review, only the latest Review will be published and count towards the Review Score.
If a care home / service does not have a review in the last 24 months, then it will not have a Review Score.
For more information on how the review score is calculated, click here.
Review/Reply Analysis
The Review/Reply Analysis allows you to view how many reviews your setting has received over time, and how many reviews you have replied to.
- You can view the all-time number of reviews/replies
- And view the reviews/replies by month
At the bottom of the page, you can export the data as a CSV or PDF file.
Review Rating Analysis
In this section, you can view the all-time average ratings of your setting. More importantly, at the bottom of the page, you can view a breakdown of your average rating.
The table shows how residents/service users and their families/friends have rated each of the 12 individual components of their review, such as Food & Drink, Activities, Care/Support and Overall Experience.
Review Source Analysis
The Review Source Analysis tells you how your setting’s reviews have been submitted, such as Postal Card, Invite to Review and Website Review.
Review Word Cloud
The Review Word Cloud shows the most used words used by reviewers, including a table with the number of occurrences.
Review Analysis CSV Export
In this section, you can choose from a range of datasets which can be exported as a CSV for use in software such as Microsoft Excel.
Examples include All Time Average Rating, Rank in Region by Review Score and Rank in District by Review Score.
Identifying how to improve review score and ranking
Datasets particularly useful to help you identify how to improve review score and ranking are:
- Review score
- Number of reviews published
- Rank by default
- Rank by subscription level
- Reviews published on a monthly basis
- Review score on a monthly basis
Exporting these datasets allows you to identify how your setting's review score and ranking has increased or decreased in relation to reviews published and subscription level.
The review score is partly calculated using reviews published in the last 24 months:
- 4 points are available for 10 Positive Reviews in the last 24 months
- 1 point is available for reaching a number of Positive Reviews based on 20% of the registered maximum number of service users in the last 24 months
If your review score has gone down, you can use the Points from Positive Reviews Published in the last 24 months to identify whether it is time to generate new reviews in order to get the maximum 5/5 points for reviews published in the last 24 months to improve your total Review Score.
For example:
Groups which have multiple settings can use the datasets to view their current performance and see where improvements can be made to benefit each individual setting’s Review Score as well as the overall Group Review Score.
Using the following datasets allows you to easily determine how many reviews you need in order to achieve the maximum score of 5/5 for number of positive reviews in the last 24 months.
- Review Score
- The number of positive reviews published in the last 24 months
- The total number of positive reviews required for maximum score
- The number of positive reviews required for maximum score
This could look something like this:
Using the tools of Microsoft Excel, you can add a ‘traffic light’ system to easily navigate the document:
- Highlighted green: Have achieved the requisite amount of reviews over the previous 24 months
- Highlighted orange: Are achieving some reviews would grow score by focusing on getting to the number in the column titled ‘Additional Positive Reviews Required for Max Score’
- Highlighted red: Are a little behind the rest and have a detrimental impact on review score