Adding bed vacancy information
  • 17 Sep 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Adding bed vacancy information

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Article summary

Adding bed vacancy information to your profile can generate enquiries from potential new residents and their families. If you would like to add vacancies to your profile, follow these simple steps.

To access bed vacancy updates

  1. Access the Control Panel of your account.
  2. Under the left hand menu ‘Profile’, select the option ‘Bed Vacancies’ (If you are a group, you will then need to select the care home you wish to update.)
  3. Click in the Number of Vacancies box and select the number you require from the drop down menu. You can choose ‘Not specified’ if you wish to not have the information available for public view. Otherwise, you can advertise between 0 and 50 bed vacancies. 
  4. Add a description of the vacancies you have available. This tells the reader what care type or funding type you have beds available. You may wish to use this chance to promote the room, perhaps it has a great view or is one of the larger rooms in the home. 
  5. Click on the Display Until Date box and select a date of your choice. You can advertise a bed for up to a month at a time. If this month passes, you will receive an email reminding you so. You can advertise the same vacancy if the bed has not been filled. If you have several vacancies, it’s better to set a shorter time. For example, if you have 5 vacancies, set for two weeks at a time as some of those beds are likely to be filled. 
  6. Click the blue Submit box at the bottom of the page. A member of the Tomorrow’s Guides team will verify your update. You and potential customers will be able to view your update on the ‘Bed Vacancies’ tab of your profile. 

To delete bed vacancies

  1. Follow the steps to access your profile.
  2. The form will already have a previous vacancy listed. You can edit and update it, or to delete it entirely, press the pink button at the bottom that says ‘Delete this Bed / Place Vacancy Listing’.

How is adding bed vacancy information beneficial?

Adding bed vacancies to your profile can generate enquiries.

Many people need a place in a care home as soon as possible, maybe due to their care needs, safety or for respite care.  A small number of bed vacancies suggests opportunity and urgency, especially if the rest of your profile is rich in detail, with a good description and lots of photos.

A higher number of vacancies can make people who are viewing several care homes more likely to include your home in their viewings, as they feel calmer in that they have more time to make a decision and more bedrooms to choose from.

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